2009年7月28日 星期二

Compare Vancouver To Your Home City

My morning teacher gave me this topic for discussion.
The most different two things to compare are the weather and the prices of commodities.
Vancouver has been ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world because of the weather. The climate of Vancouver is pleasant and It doesn’t often snow in the winter in spite of being located at a high latitude. In my home city, Taipei, the summer temperature usually gets up to 30 degrees celsius. And the prices of commodities in Vancouver are dissimilar to Taipei. In Vancouver, I need to pay a high price for eating and living , but the name brand products in Vancouver are cheaper than them in Taiwan. Besides these, Vancouver isn’t crowded and multiracial, exactly the opposite of Taiwan.
And the daytime in Vancouver is so long and the sky usually gets dark at 9 PM in summer. OH, it’s not 8 PM~~It’s time to sleep!!

my school PGIC

Vancouver street scene

my new haircut~~very short

2009年7月25日 星期六

The First Day In Vancouver

I imagined my homestay as a warm family, so I spoke with a courteous voice while I made a phone call after arriving in Vancouver. "Hello I’m Kevin, I just left the airport and I am on the way to your house. See you later! "

About 40 minutes I arrived at my host family’s. (I swear I would never take a taxi again in Vancouver because it cost me 50 CA dollars!!) In front of me, I saw a small but beautiful house. I took a picture, took a deepbreath, and smiled. Suddenly a women who looks like a witch appeared. She is my homestay hostess. She came to me and helped me with my luggage. “Shit!” (pardon me?? I mishear?) “. She could only carry the luggage for a very short distance and she dropped it on the ground. Then she turned and walked back to the house……….

Actually, the people family whom live in the house are easy to get along with. It is Mr. &Mrs. Joseph’s house, located in North Vancouver. Mr. Joseph is a chef, and Mrs. Joseph(Patricia) is a electrologist. Mr. Joseph is very friendly towards me. He taught me how to go to school by bus and drive me to buy the tickets. Of course he cooks well. In comparison with him, Patricia is emotional but frank. They have two kids but I haven’t have not seen them yet. In addition, I have two roommates(from Brazil and Syria), always walk up and down nakedly.

It’s really a clean, quiet, beautiful place and suitable for living. I feel comfortable during my homestay and everything’s gonna be ok.But I have started to miss “FORMOSA CHANG” ^^~

My first step in Vancouver

My homestay house

My room

My Dinner

The supermarket near the house